
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Power of the Mind

Aside from the fashion, fitness & everything princess - I have something different I would like to share with you in this post.

I forgot where I heard this or even where it came from - but - have you heard about the power of the mind? And believing in something so much... that it actually comes true? I've seen this work miraculously throughout my life. I'm going to share with you two specific instances where this type of thinking has been influential. 

*Many, many years ago - I believe I was 9 or 10 years old. I remember sitting in the golf cart at a horse show up in Wellington. I was holding onto the reins of my sweet white pony, Mikey, with one hand and a magazine, Sidelines, in the other. I flipped to a picture of a young woman (between the ages of 17-20) who was being recognized in an article for her performance at the North American Junior & Young Rider Championships - which is an International Junior Olympic Competition for young riders.  It's the most prestigious event a Junior Rider can be invited to compete in. I remember specifically telling my trainer, Jane, that I would be competing in that one day. 

Sure enough - it was something I worked hard for, for 8 years. (Not only did I work hard... I obsessed about it.) I did have some luck - to where I was able to sell one horse - to afford another - which then led me to the horse I competed on in Young Riders at 17. Later, I did several Grand Prixs on this horse - before I went off to college. Anyways - the point of this short story is - I believed in something SO MUCH and thought about it whenever I was riding horses - and somehow - with a lot of work - I got there. 

Chester & I

*Now, this short story may not have a happy ending - but it does show you how you think (whether it's positive or negative) can really affect your life. Recently through this blog, I have shared with you my family's story with my Dad. Well - for as long as I can remember - my Mom has always told me that when I "grow-up" to have a "specific". What she meant by this is - for me to be an independent woman - and to always have my own source of income, so I will never be entirely dependent on a man. My Mom always told me that if "something ever happened to my Dad" that our family/financial situation would be devastated because she didn't have a career. I promise you - that I heard my Mom tell me this 1000x. It was almost as if she was predicting something was going to happen - and sure enough - it did.

In no way am I blaming my Mom for anything! However, I thought it was interesting how she said something so many times for so many years - and it actually came true.  

No real reason for this photo - hehe - but it's Tyler & I!

So, what I am trying to say is - if you believe in something so much - and will do anything to have it. You will achieve it. The power of the mind is incredible.



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