
Saturday, April 28, 2012

This Is For YOU!

You know what's kinda ironic about me and the reason I started this blog? My life really was completely normal.. nothing unusual.. until 2 years ago. So, now I believe everyone has a secret -or if they don't have a secret- they have some sort of hardship... or "skeleton hidden in their closet".

I hope that my blog inspires you in many different ways. Perhaps someone in your family went to prison OR you are enduring some other hardship, such as: cancer, divorce or death. I want you to know that there is always going to be someone rooting for you - or in many cases - LOTS of people rooting for you.

This world is great. So many people don't judge and are willing to help others with everything. I remember growing up - there was one specific person I knew that I really admire to this day:

We were about 13 years old - and within the same year she was robbed (her dog was killed during this horrible act) and her mother & father got a divorce. Unfortunately, we rarely talk anymore - but I look up to her more than she knows. It's unfortunate at such a young age - that she had to endure so much.

It made me realize that at such a young age - anything can happen. Life isn't always about Disney World and Mickey Mouse. 

Life is about much more. 

Life is about: family, love, friends & God - anything superficial... doesn't really count.

Have you figured it out, yet?

Oh Hey - It's Me!



Friday, April 20, 2012

Favorite Work-Out Prop

My favorite work-out prop of all time is the stability ball. Whenever I do a Pilates class – and they bring out the stability ball… I jump for joy because I know how sore I’ll be the next day. However, you don’t need to do a Pilates class to use it.
I know every gym has one (you can also buy your own at Target) – and I want to share with you three of my favorite exercises you can do that require the stability ball.
1.       Ball Reverse Crunch (Abs)

·         Lie on your back, calves & hamstrings pressed against the ball and arms spread out.

·         Squeeze the ball with your knees and roll your knees to your chest & then roll back down after a short pause.

·         This one will leave your abs sore the next day – guaranteed!

2.       One Legged Ball Squat (Legs)
    • Stand with one ankle on top of the exercise ball behind you and crouch down until your knee is at a 90 degree angle.
    • Raise yourself up by extending your leg and slowly lower yourself back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.
    • Breathe out while raising yourself up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

3.       Ball Reverse Leg Curl (Legs & Ass)
    • Lie on your back, feet on top of the exercise ball, legs and back straight.
    • Roll the exercise ball towards you by bending your knees and allow it to slowly return back after a short pause.
    • Keep your back straight throughout.
There are so many more exercises you can do with this amazing prop! However, I wanted to share with you my favorites. I always feel it the next day when I do these!
What are some of your favorite work-out props?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

6 Words

So, this weekend - Tyler & I visited one of my best friend's beach house in the St. Augustine area. Over the many conversations of catching up and bringing each other up-to-date with our realities - we came across an interesting topic. 

We began discussing this amazing blog: Six Word Memoir. This blog asks it readers to describe their lives in only 6 words

I thought this was so clever. How can any person describe their life in 6 words? More importantly, how can someone make sure those 6 words have a clever meaning?

On our drive home to Boca, I thought about it the whole time. I finally came up with my 6 word memoir:

Enter the room sparkling, leave dazzling.

This simple sentence describes what I was taught growing up. No matter what situation you are in - you should confront it with confidence and radiance. When the situation comes to an end - your glow and energy should only get brighter. Make sure you leave a lasting impression in anything you do!

So, what would your 6 word memoir be?

Beach & Beach House in St. Augustine
