
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Gluten Free :: Healthy Or Not?

This post is inspired by a conversation I had with a friend the other day...

So, what's the truth about something that has "gluten-free" on the box or label? It must be healthy, right? Well - of course it is, you can find "gluten-free" items in the healthy or organic section of the grocery store.

Well - the truth is... eating gluten-free is healthy... but buying something with gluten-free on the box... is NOT.

If you see cereal, pasta or anything else with "gluten-free" written on the box.. it most likely is not good for you.


Because the gluten is replaced with other "ingredients" that you cannot pronounce - and usually this means it's some sort of chemical that is processed. Additionally - these boxed "gluten-free" food products end up having even more calories.

Don't get me wrong - there are plenty of people out there who are allergic to gluten... and instead of never having cereal again... they can have cereal that is gluten-free ((replaced with these unknown "ingredients")).

So, if you are someone like me - who loves to eat clean and healthy... how do you truly eat gluten-free?


Stay away from processed foods, breads & pasta. 

Don't let the grocery stores fool you with the way they display their products!

Be informed.



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