
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

WorkOut Wednesday

Perhaps one of your resolutions for 2013 is to hit the gym more - well, I can tell you that a great way to stay in shape is RUNNING.

I promise - it's not as scary as you think.

Now that we are on the topic of running (I just love it) - I am going to share with you a tid bit of advice.


For many years - I've heard that the "correct" way to run is from heel to toe. I've never followed this rule - mostly because it never felt right when I tried to run this way. Also, I watched so many people hurt their knees running from heel to toe.

Now, there is still a debate of the "correct" way to run - but, I am going to suggest to you:

Run on the balls of your feet!

Not only does this protect your knees - but your calves get a killer workout. Additionally, many runners improve their time running this way.

If you're not used to running on the balls of your feet - it may be hard at first, but don't give up! It's definitely something to work towards.

Happy WorkOut Wednesday!



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