
Tuesday, January 8, 2013


What is it about our twenty-something's? By far, my twenties has been the hardest, craziest & most incredible decade (so far).

Some may have experienced:

Engagements. Weddings. More "Education". "Big Girl" Jobs. Living on your own (not attached to your parents' gas card). And so much more!

I think I can say that most twenty-something's are still looking for that purpose... what you really want to be when you grow up (not the office assistant job you got directly out of college). Or maybe you are doing some soul-searching... why did God put you on this earth?

The best advice I can give you - is do what you love. And more importantly - do what you're good at (you'll probably make more money :: if that's important to you). 

I've learned pretty early that you limit your own self - and the choices you make, prove that. 

I'm scared to make that leap of faith from a corporate job into being "my own business" - but, it's going to be totally worth it. And, I'm almost at the finish line.

I'll leave you with this last thought for tonight ::: don't ever wait - because a year from now, you will wish you have started then. There's never going to be a perfect time. 

Happy Tuesday!



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